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The Art of Healing

Ways to Work With Me

I offer several pathways for healing that each have a unique flow: soul-centric somatic coaching sessions, dreamwork, and healing energy sessions.

Services - Lisa Avnet in Pittsfield, MA

"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life.  I don't think that's what we're really seeking.  I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive"

                                            -Joseph Campbell

The Soul-Centric Somatic coaching process offers healing, growth and change in each session. I'll assist you in hearing the wisdom of your body - your own guidance system - and together we'll find your "personal medicine": the inner resources that nurture, inspire, and ground you.

We'll work together to create an inner environment in which tension eases, wounds heal, vitality returns and a connection to one’s self deepens and expands.

I offer a free 20 minute consultation and brief experience of the work to clarify how it can help you.  Book Here

$150 for each 60 minute session or $185 for each 75 minute session

Nikki F. "Thanks so much for the session today. As always you really helped me get into my needs and desires from my truest, highest self."

Jess O. "I really appreciate the work that we do and appreciate your warm and grounding presence and energy.  The sanctuary space has been very useful the past couple of days."

Val C. " I have come such a long way working with you, and I'm so appreciative."

While single individual sessions can be transformative, a consistent program builds on each session and provides the structure and  foundation for growth that creates new depths of awareness and healing.  I offer 3, 6, and 12 month packages that offer a comprehensive multi-dimensional approach to healing and personal discovery.


I offer healing energy sessions tailoring techniques to your unique needs - whether general stress relief, energy support for optimizing health and wellbeing, personal evolution, or energetic support for specific chronic illness. Energy sessions can include structural energy work for physical issues as well as clearing, charging, restructuring and balancing of your energy anatomy as needed. 

$150 for 60 minutes or $225 for 90 minutes.  I recommend a series of sessions to support you in feeling better and to create lasting change.  Book Here.


Dreams are a direct line of communication with your Soul Self, offering tremendous insight and resources for transformation and healing. Uncover the unique dream medicine that is calling you to a wider awareness and healing.

Note: These sessions both work well to deepen and accelerate work with your psychotherapist or executive coach. They're an excellent resource for those new to inner work as well as those farther along in their process and are a wonderful source for spiritual growth.

Ellie D. "I just want to say thank you so much for our dreamwork session last week. I’m experiencing a lot of transformation this week".

$150 for each 60 minute session  Book Here

"From Seed to Blossom - Tending Your Inner Garden" is my signature program of energetic healing and transformation.  There are three stages,  which mirror the stages of the growth of flowers in the natural world. These stages are individualized and unfold according to your unique needs.


As women, often our focus is on nourishing others:  between family and work life, without adequate life force coming in, we can be left running on empty. Nourishment is a catalyst for growth. This phase is the foundation for building a more embodied presence and energy system to support your life.

Growing Strong Stems: Once you have built a solid foundation of connection, nourishment and flow in your body and energy system,  we'll move our focus to the heart center, the great integrator of upper and lower chakras and the chakra of connection with self and others.  You'll continue to deepen your intuitive skills and your connection with your body, mind and spirit.

Blossoming/Fruiting:  From deep connection with your inner knowing and power, we'll continue to cultivate the development of your unique expression in the world, through your soul task and life purpose.

Note: The program is designed to unfold and integrate over the course of a year but may move more quickly or more slowly depending on your unique energy configuration.

Let's talk about how this program will benefit your unique needs and circumstances!  Book a free Clarity call here.

Choose your pace, tailoring to your needs and lifestyle:

Meet every other week: Integrate change into your life at a sustainable pace of bi-weekly sessions.  Three 4 month cycles of 6 sessions each cycle, totaling 24 sessions over the course of twelve months.

Meet weekly: Ideal for working on a major life transition or challenge in a focused and timely way.  Three 2 month cycles of 8 sessions, totaling 24 sessions over the course of six months.

Custom packages available tailored to fit your needs and lifestyle.

Lisa Avnet offers Transpersonal Coaching in Pittsfield, MA


TEACHING:  I offer a variety of engaging experiential oriented classes and programs on energy topics, dream medicine, and imaginal medicine (accessing deep wisdom through images, metaphors, poem and story) as well as guided experiential processes for groups and organizations. 

I'm gathering a study cohort for an online group program that I plan to debut in Fall 2024, please let me know if you'd like to be on the waitlist.

  Activate Your Chakras, Empower Your Life

The Five Patterns of Bio-energetics

Your Root Chakra: Foundation for Life

The Four Dimensions of the Human Energy System: Physical, Aura, Hara, and Core Star

The Seven Levels of Your Auric Field and How to Nourish Them


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In person sessions in my lovely Pittsfield, MA office or on-line via Zoom.