The Heart of Healing
You're looking for relief: to feel better and to have the energetic support you need to create change.
You may feel stuck or blocked, or swamped by emotion, overwhelm or pain. Your heart might be longing for loving support. Perhaps you're facing illness, cancer, loss or radical transition: there is no better time for healing.
As a healer, guide, and mentor, I offer a variety of services: hands on energy healing work as well as guided experiential verbal sessions. All bring healing, inspiration, and resources to support your journey in different ways. I'll assist you in hearing the wisdom of your body - your own guidance system - and together we'll find your own "personal medicine": the inner resources that nurture and ground you and that will offer you relief.
You will receive relief and healing in each session. This is the magic of healing work: your energy will shift, and you will feel tangibly better. It is my joy to offer healing as well as a connection to the authentic wisdom and beauty of your heart.
Please reach out through my contact form if you have questions, would like to book a session, or would like more information.
The bud
stands for all things,
even for those things that don’t flower,
for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing;
though sometimes it is necessary
to reteach a thing its loveliness,
to put a hand on its brow
of the flower
and retell it in words and in touch
it is lovely
until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing.
from St. Francis and The Sow by poet Galway Kinnell
Julia H: "It vastly exceeded my expectation. I never imagined that I could have visions in a structured way, or that they would mean something. It feels like I am tapping into a deeper truth".
Barbara A: "Thank you so much Lisa, I feel we are getting to the core of a big complex that has coopted a lot of energy."
Laurel M: “Your keen and gentle guidance helped me feel safe enough to allow a long awaited and longed for integration process. This in turn has finally allowed me to fully embrace my inner knowing to guide me, instead of negating it and feeling lost. Boy does this feel terrific and oh so freeing."
KM: "My session with you was pure magic. It was just what I needed and was meant to be. Totally divine."
Ready to honor the call for change? Join me for a free twenty minute exploratory call, and get more information - or go ahead and book your full session to begin.